50% Discount on first 2 orders
By using totiso.in, you confirm that you are of legal age in your region to agree to these terms and allow minor dependents under your care to use this site. Usage of our platform for illegal purposes is strictly forbidden, as is the distribution of harmful electronic content.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and to alter or discontinue any aspect of our service at any time. The content we provide is not encrypted and may traverse multiple networks. Your credit card details are encrypted when processed.
We provide information on totiso.in for general purposes and strive for accuracy, but do not guarantee it. You assume the risk for reliance on any site content.
Prices and availability of our products and services are subject to change without notice. We are not liable for any modifications or service interruptions.
Some products or services may be exclusively online offerings with limited stock. We strive for accuracy in our product representations but cannot guarantee it.
We reserve the right to refuse or cancel orders and to request updated account information from you at any time to fulfill your transactions.
We may offer optional third-party tools through our site, which we neither monitor nor control. We may also introduce new services and features in the future, all of which will be governed by these terms.
Our service may include materials from third-parties, for which we are not responsible. Complaints, questions, and concerns regarding third-party products should be directed to the third party.
We may use, reproduce, publish, and display comments and feedback without restrictions or compensation. You are responsible for any comments you post and their legality.
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We are not obligated to maintain the currency or completeness of information on our site.
We list specific activities and uses of our service that are prohibited, which include, but are not limited to, unlawful, abusive, or discriminatory behavior and practices.
We do not guarantee the quality or accuracy of our products and services and limit our liability to the maximum extent permitted by law.